Professional thermal drone services
RTK enterprise drones
triangulated meshes
3D visualisations

Thermal cameras provide a new dimension of vision allowing you to see things that are simply not visible to the naked eye, thermal cameras are an invaluable tool for things like locating people, locating animals, identify areas of heat loss in buildings, and so much more. We have demoed our thermal cameras in cooperation with The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service during a water rescue drill. They were extremely impressed at how quickly we were able to locate the mannequins in the water and how efficient we were at directing the members of the water rescue team to their location. Not only was the thermal camera useful, our high powered search light helped to identify a small 50mm2 patch of high viz tape attached to the hood of the mannequin from over 60mts away, as there was no body heat differential to detect with the thermal camera, the search light proved to be a vital addition on our thermal drone, the mannequin was placed by the water rescue team organisers under the rivers edge grass banking and loose branches caught and tangled on the banking, it was only the head of the mannequin that was visible and this in turn making it very difficult for the water rescue team to locate the mannequin. We were then able to hover above the their location providing valuable lighting to allow a casualty raft to be deployed across the flowing river and enable the river rescue team to remove the casualty safely back to the opposite shore where there was a riverside pathway which lead back to command control, we provided overhead lighting during the river rescue drill
Thermal Missing Calf

On another occasion a calf went missing shortly after birth and again we were called in to help locate the calf, when we arrived the farmer was in amongst gorse bushes over 5-6ft tall which was making locating the calf very difficult. The farmer explained that calf will normally return to their place of birth, having a rough idea where this would be, we were able to deploy our thermal drone and carry out a grid search of the area.

After a short time we came across a hot spot on the grass and it was within the area that the farmer, know that the calf had been resting at this location, we then knew that it would more than likely be in the surrounding area resting. A short while later we spotted the calf lying within the gorse and were able to guide the farmer through the thick dense gorse to the calf. Once the farmer located the, he was then able to carry the calf back out through the gorse to safety and reunite with its mother.

Thermal – Giving Birth

We have been asked by farmer clients to locate lost animals over the years, during calving season, a local farmer noticed that one of his cows had wandered off from the herd, by the time farmer returned to the farm to collect his quad bike and returned the to last know location of the heavily pregnant mother, she had wandered off in to woodland.

We were asked if we could attend the farm with our thermal drone to help locate the cow, after deploying the drone we were able locate the cow very quickly and through our radios were able to guide the farmer to his cow and return it to the safety of the farm to give birth.
We received a call the following morning to say that the mother and calf were both doing well.
Thermal Missing Calf

On another occasion a calf went missing shortly after birth and again we were called in to help locate the calf, when we arrived the farmer was in amongst gorse bushes over 5-6ft tall which was making locating the calf very difficult. The farmer explained that calf will normally return to their place of birth, having a rough idea where this would be, we were able to deploy our thermal drone and carry out a grid search of the area.

After a short time we came across a hot spot on the grass and it was within the area that the farmer, know that the calf had been resting at this location, we then knew that it would more than likely be in the surrounding area resting. A short while later we spotted the calf lying within the gorse and were able to guide the farmer through the thick dense gorse to the calf. Once the farmer located the, he was then able to carry the calf back out through the gorse to safety and reunite with its mother.

Thermal – Fire & Searchlight

During major fires at industrial estates where there are a high risk of pressurised tanks within the vicinity, thermal drones can monitor the temperature of the tanks, allowing fire fighters to soak the tanks to prevent them exploding.

When grass fires occur, it is very difficult to know where the flames are spreading due to the amount of smoke produced from grass, gorse & woodland fires, with the use of a thermal camera, hotspots can easily be detected through the smoke allowing fire fighters to make better decisions with the plan to tackle the fire. It has been know for the fires to reignite, an overview with a thermal camera can monitor and potential reigniting hotspots allowing fire fighters to tackle these small pockets of fire before they get out of hand again.

Our thermal and searchlight was used to aid police Scotland in the search for a missing person, officer were searching fields with hand held torches, once we deployed we were able to illuminate the whole field with out high powered search light reducing the time greatly for the officers to carry out their search.

Thermal – Mock Scenarios Training

After we attended a river rescue with the Scottish Fire & Rescue Service (SFRS) and the great feedback we received from them, we decided to film a few mock scenarios ourselves to use as examples to the emergency services, we foam filled a few wetsuits and used hot water bottles to provide a heat signature, as we are approved for day and night time operations, we were able to plan some daylight searches which were a good example of the areas that can be covered from an aerial flight and being able to spot the mannequin for a distance, which greatly reduces the overall search time, once over the mannequins, our thermal camera pick up the heat signature from the hot water bottles, even the mannequin that was in the water in the middle of January still stood out. With the night time search the thermal camera again was able to spot the heat from the water bottle and the cameras MSX feature which picks out the outline of objects, making it easier to identify the mannequin. As you can see from the photos, our searchlight clearly help illuminate the search area, allow emergency services or rescuers to be directed to the casualty and provide vital light until assistance arrives.

Luke warm water used to form the letters, these were visible from over 200ft in the air

On our Enterprise Drones we have thermal and zoom cameras capabilities, also, they are equipped with a high powered search light, a loudspeaker system and an emitting diode to warn other aircrafts of our location, all of which have proved useful when we have been called out to aid the emergency services.