Boundary Disputes
When land and properties sales are concluded, there are often boundary disputes, over a period of years boundary markers may have been replaced and have not been erected in their exact position or a mutual agreement with a previous adjacent land/property owner where a section of land has been granted permission to use the land, but the original boundary has not been reinstated or registered legally.
Whether our survey is carried out by aerial or land surveying, using state of the art technology or traditional measurement recording methods, we provide a detailed plan to our clients annotated to show any issues to boundaries. These will include their location as surveyed and their original position.
We can provide Ordnance Survey mapping to annotate boundaries. Location and Block Plans can be provided, these will be North Orientated, annotated with a North Arrow & Scale Bar, along with Crown Copyright Licence Number.
These can be provided in various file formats e.g. pdf, dxf, dwg or have physical prints from A4 to A0 posted out to our clients.