Aldi Site – Kilmac
A new Aldi store had been granted approval and our client Kilmac had been awarded the groundworks package, Kilmac asked us if we could carry out an aerial survey for them and provide topography mapping and a point cloud.
Kilmac’s engineers had already recorded known survey points and added a few additional GCP’s around the site, this allowed us to record these points as ground control for our aerial survey, we would later tie our survey to these known shared points to increase accuracy.
From the point cloud, some Valued Engineering from Kilmac’s engineers was applied, through study of the data they looked at ways of altering the levels of the water attenuation tank, in doing so, it reduced the amount/volume to be excavated, unwanted taken off site and possible new materials having to brought in. it’s a useful way for contractors and clients to manage the overall budget of a project as it progresses.
From the calculations the amount of unwanted materials was calculated for removal from site and the required amount of new materials that were required to be brought in to site.