Who are we?
Based in Scotland, SR Aerial Drone Services is an aerial drone surveying company providing a range of services including, but not limited to, aerial surveys, 3D modelling, topography, volumetric calculations, site management, photography, and videography.

Fully Approved
We are an approved Commercial Operations Drone Pilot company. Authorised by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) for both day time and night time operations. Using state of the art enterprise grade drones from our fleet in combination with cutting-edge software to provide you with a wide variety of output formats. Having now successfully implemented applications of the drone, within our own projects and those within other companies, we have demonstrated overall reduced time, reduced costs whilst providing an overall superior quality of service to our clients.
We are part of Scottish Fire Rescue Service “Community Asset Register (CAR)” approved for working in conjunction with SFRS, Police Scotland, Local Authorities, Scottish Ambulance Service, NHS (Scotland), S.E.P.A and the Maritime & Coastguard Agency.
Grateful for the short video clip demonstrating our services for our new website